Because acetic acid is a stronger acid than water, it must also be a weaker base, with a lesser tendency to accept a proton than \(H_2O\). Measurements of the conductivity of 0.1 M solutions of both HI and \(HNO_3\) in acetic acid show that HI is completely dissociated, but \(HNO_3\) is only partially dissociated and behaves like a weak acid in this solvent. This result clearly tells us that HI is a stronger acid than \(HNO_3\). The relative order of acid strengths and approximate \(K_a\) and \(pK_a\) values for the strong acids at the top of Table \(\PageIndex<1>\) were determined using measurements like this and different nonaqueous solvents.
In aqueous choices, \(H_3O^+\) ‘s the most effective acid and you can \(OH^?\) ‘s the most effective base that can can be found inside the harmony which have \(H_2O\).